Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It not the news I wanted to hear right now!

My mum has stage 3 Myeloma Cancer of the bone, it's not good news right now, the doctors have said that they are 99.9% sure she has this disease and the survival rate is less than 5 yrs.

I think I just swollwed my tongue when I was told this by the doctors today, now I have to look after mum and make her comfortable during her treatment and may get some professional carers to help out too, I'm certainly not gonna stress on this one, cos myself, I'm still recovering from my ordeal of cancer and treaments and side effects from it, now my mum has to go thru this too. It's just not fair with life altogether, it's all abit of blur to mum, she's confused about it all, we'll have to wait for ALL the tests to come back, which is October(next month) 12th, to get ALL the results, and we'll take it slow from there, and hoping mum copes very well whilst on chemo and radiation thereapy, I know what my mum's like when it comes to big machines and medication. She's so stubborn, but I love love her all the same! She's my mum! and that's all that matters! I love you mum! xo

I'm gonna put my simming on hold for a while until my mum gets better, so until then adios and I'll catch up with ya later!

Thanks for reading my blog!




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